PAW Patrol is a beloved animated series that follows a team of rescue pups led by a boy named Ryder. Each pup possesses unique skills and abilities that they use to protect the community of Adventure Bay. The team includes Marshall the firefighting Dalmatian, Chase the police dog, Skye the aviator, Rubble the construction pup, Rocky the eco-friendly recycling pup, Zuma the water rescue dog, and Everest, who specializes in snowy rescues.
In the recent movie, PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie, a magical meteor crash in Adventure City grants the Paw Patrol pups extraordinary superpowers, transforming them into the Mighty Pups. Skye, the smallest but most determined member, revels in her newfound abilities. However, things take a perilous turn when the team's rival, Humdinger, breaks out of jail and joins forces with a mad scientist to seize their powers. As Adventure City faces a grave threat, the Mighty Pups must stop the supervillains' plans to save the day. Through this adventure, Skye learns that size doesn't limit bravery, proving that even the smallest pup can create the most significant impact.